Teen Clash Puts Hockley Co. Deputies in Hot Water


LUBBOCK, TX – Hockley County Sheriff Ray Scifres announced that two deputies are under internal investigation in connection with an incident that occurred in Ropesville after a high school football game last Friday.

While reviewing body camera footage as part of a routine check, a deputy who wasn't involved in the incident came across a video showing two teenage girls in a confrontation, with two other deputies observing. 

Sheriff Scifres explained that this violation was identified and reported by HSCO. 

He added that if the investigation reveals any legal breaches, it will be handed over to the Texas Rangers and the District Attorney’s Office. 

The parents of both girls and the Ropes ISD police have also been informed about the situation.

Both deputies involved in the incident were immediately placed on leave, and one deputy resigned, according to Scifres.

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