Scam Alert: Fake LPD Officer Targeting Local Businesses


LUBBOCK, TX – According to a post on Facebook, the Lubbock Police Department has announced that there is a scam circulating that people need to be aware of.

The Lubbock Police Department has received several reports from local businesses about an individual pretending to be an LPD officer. 

This scammer has asked employees for an exact count of the money in their registers and requested they meet at a different location with the cash to verify it is not counterfeit.

The Lubbock Police Department will never contact anyone asking for the amount of money in registers or instruct people to bring cash to another location. LPD has stated that this is not a procedure they follow.

This information is asked to be shared with colleagues to ensure that this scammer does not trick anyone.

If anyone has any information on this scammer, call the Crime Line at 806-741-1000.

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