Man Arrested for 8 Charges Including Firearm Theft


LUBBOCK, TX — A man who allegedly assaulted his girlfriend with a soap bottle, stole a firearm from the Lubbock Police Department and attempted to evade arrest was apprehended at a motel on Avenue Q, according to police reports.

Jashaun Thomas, 44, was booked into the Lubbock County Detention Center on September 18. He remains in custody with a total bond of $44,000 for multiple charges, including assault with a deadly weapon, theft of a firearm, unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful restraint, assault causing bodily injury, criminal trespassing, resisting arrest, and evading arrest. He was also charged with having no driver's license, according to jail records.

Police were called to the motel located at 601 Avenue Q for a domestic disturbance. Upon arrival, officers found a woman named April Barrera, who identified herself as having had previous relationships with Thomas.

Barrera reported that she had come to the residence to gather personal belongings from her brother when Thomas saw her and approached. They both went to Thomas’s room, as Barrera had belongings there as well. While inside, an argument ensued.

Thomas allegedly had a mixture of Dawn dish soap, laundry detergent, and other cleaning agents in a bottle. During the argument, he began spraying the mixture at Barrera’s face and struck her with the bottle, causing pain and getting soap in her hair and eyes.

As Barrera attempted to leave the room, Thomas pulled her down by her hair and onto the floor, stepping on her hand and causing further injury. He instructed her to undress and rinse off. When Barrera indicated she needed more towels, Thomas allegedly warned her not to talk to anyone and to return immediately, or he would kill her. He displayed a black Taurus firearm while making this threat, placing her in fear of serious bodily injury.

Police observed that Barrera was visibly upset and scared during their interview, with soap still in her hair.

Thomas then walked to the front lobby of the motel and approached a police officer standing next to his vehicle. When asked if he had any weapons, he replied, “Yes,” according to police records.

As Thomas was being searched for weapons, he took hold of the officer's right wrist and immediately pulled away to flee, breaking their grip, and preventing a limited search of his person.

Thomas dropped the firearm from his pockets as he evaded arrest and ran eastbound into the parking lot, around the pool, and into an unlocked motel room where he hid without the owner’s permission. Thomas later exited the room and was taken into custody.

According to court records, Lubbock Police found Jashaun Thomas to be a convicted felon and found the firearm previously stolen from Lubbock Police Department. He also was found to have multiple warrants.

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