Horse Stolen from Lubbock Stable, Owner Seeks Help


LUBBOCK, TX — A horse named Jigsaw was stolen overnight from Tremle Racing Stables in Lubbock. According to a Facebook post, the black-and-white tobiano horse is 14 hh tall and has a small circular scar on the left side of his neck, just behind his jaw.

Jigsaw, 10, was raised and trained by his owner, who is asking the public for help in locating the horse in a Facebook post. "People who know us know that I have gone through hell and back for this horse and I have no problem going through it again. He is more than just a horse to me. I have raised and trained this horse since he was a yearling. He’s ten now, please help me find my boy."

Jigsaw was stolen overnight from Tremle Racing Stables

Jigsaw was stolen overnight from Tremle Racing Stables

Jigsaw was stolen overnight from Tremle Racing Stables

Jigsaw was stolen overnight from Tremle Racing Stables

A police report has been filed, and authorities are investigating the theft. The owner is urging anyone who sees Jigsaw for sale or has any information to contact the Lubbock Police Department.

If anyone has seen anything suspicious or has any information on the missing horse, please call Lubbock Police at (806) 775-2865.

Jigsaw was stolen overnight from Tremle Racing Stables

Jigsaw was stolen overnight from Tremle Racing Stables

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