SWAT Standoff on 90th St Ends in One Arrest


UPDATE: As of 5 p.m., Lubbock Police have a suspect in custody.

LUBBOCK, TX — There was a heavy law enforcement presence seen at a residence at the 5200 block of 90th Street on Monday afternoon, February 3. The Lubbock Police Department responded to a call at that intersection at around noon on Monday.

Check out the scene below:

Lubbock Police SWAT Teams and FBI Agents at a residence near 90th St and Albany Ave

Lubbock Police SWAT Teams and FBI Agents at a residence near 90th St and Albany Ave

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

According to police communications, there is an individual in the residence who refuses to come out of the house. As a result, the current standoff has ensued. A neighbor stated that the suspect in question was in his late 30s with long hair and a beard. The FBI is leading the operations on the ground.

Our reporter on the scene observed Lubbock Police SWAT uniformed officers as well as some men wearing FBI vests.  At around 3:11 p.m., a police drone was deployed above the residence.

UPDATE: At around 4:15 p.m., officers were seen driving in a ROOK unit. 


The ROOK is a small, armored vehicle. It is built on a Cat Compact Track Loader chassis and resembles a mini tractor or bulldozer. It moves on a track platform instead of wheels, enabling it to navigate diverse terrain. Attached to the front of the ROOK unit was a hydraulic ram.

The Rook unit was seen being driven into the alley. Using the ROOK unit, law enforcement gained access through the back of the house.

UPDATE: At around 4:48 p.m., law enforcement moved in.


UPDATE: At  p.m., the SWAT Team's Bearcat and Lubbock Fire Rescue arrived on the scene.

UPDATE: One suspect is in custody.

This is a developing story, and more information will be provided when it is available.

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