113 Pounds of Marijuana Seized in Garza County Traffic Stop


GARZA COUNTY, TX – A traffic stop on Sunday afternoon led to a major drug bust and one person in custody.

Sheriff Michael Isbell reported that the traffic stop occurred on February 16 on Highway 84, south of Justiceburg. Deputies searched the vehicle and discovered 113 pounds of marijuana in the car. The driver was arrested in connection with the seizure.

Sheriff Isbell praised his deputies for their hard work, saying they don’t do their jobs for recognition but to keep the community safe.

The Texas Department of Public Safety assisted with the traffic stop.

Garza County Sheriff’s deputies Braden Demoss and Travis Johnson were responsible for the stop and the drug discovery.

113 Pounds of Marijuana Seized in Garza County Traffic Stop

113 Pounds of Marijuana Seized in Garza County Traffic Stop

(Credit: Garza County Sheriff's Office)

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