Three Arrested After Fleeing in Rack Room Shoes Robbery


LUBBOCK, TX — What seemed to be a routine shopping trip at Rack Room Shoes turned into a robbery on January 28, when three suspects worked together to steal multiple pairs of shoes, injuring two employees in the process.

According to court documents, the robbery began when two women entered the store and started browsing around the store. A man followed shortly after and began selecting multiple pairs of shoes. 

An employee noticed the man carrying numerous different shoes around the store and started to grow suspicious. The employee prepared to confront him and stood in front of the main exit in case he attempted to leave without paying.

As the man walked toward the front door, he bypassed all points of sale, and the employee approached him. 

When she tried to take the shoes, he pushed back, knocking her into a display. The man was able to hold onto the shoes and walked out of the store without paying.

Meanwhile, the two women were still in the store. A second employee noticed them and observed one woman trying to walk toward the back exit, carrying several pairs of shoes. 

When the employee confronted her, a brief struggle ensued, but the employee was able to grab one of the boxes the woman had. The second woman grabbed a larger box, and both managed to exit the store with stolen merchandise.

The employee followed the suspects outside, where she was able to get part of the vehicle’s license plate number before the three suspects drove off with the boxes of shoes. Court documents did not specify the description of the car, and though the partial plate number did not provide a full lead, it was enough for investigators to move forward.

One of the employees injured during the altercation required medical treatment.

On February 12, the Lubbock Police Department released a press release asking for help identifying the suspects.


Detectives from the Crime Suppression Unit quickly reviewed security footage from the incident and recognized the suspects. Gilbert Moreno, 37, Jacquie Lynn Valdez, 28, and Leonella Ann Guzman, 37, were identified after the detectives recognized with them from a previous theft investigation.

By the following day, February 13, detectives had confirmed the identities by comparing booking photos to the suspects’ images in the security footage. Court records state the three suspects were all known for their involvement in prior thefts and had two or more theft convictions on record.

Gilbert Moreno, Jacquie Lynn Valdez, and Leonella Ann Guzman were arrested on February 19 and charged with Robbery. Each suspect is held at the Lubbock County Detention Center on a $50,000 bond.

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