New Safety Protocols Announced at Lubbock-Cooper ISD


LUBBOCK, TX — The Lubbock-Cooper Independent School District recently announced new safety protocols that will be implemented for the 2024-25 academic school year. Visitors to Lubbock-Cooper campuses will now have to "buzz in" to gain access to the school facilities.

Lubbock-Cooper ISD released a statement on the new protocol on Wednesday, August 7.

Lubbock Cooper High School

Lubbock Cooper High School

(Credit: Lubbock Cooper High School)

"We want to inform you of an important update regarding campus entry procedures," the statement read. "As part of a new requirement from TEA, the district is in the process of transitioning to a "buzz in" system for the front entrances of all LCISD campuses. Front entrances will now remain locked throughout the school day, and visitors to the campus will be required to press a button to be granted entry ("buzz in"). 

While this new policy only affects the front doors to the campus, LCISD assures parents that the rest of the campus has always remained locked throughout school operation hours.

"Please note that all other campus doors have always been locked throughout the school day (or manned, if temporarily unlocked for reentry from outdoor activities), and this practice will continue," the statement continued. "All LCISD campus front entrances are also designed to route visitors through the front office rather than directly into the common areas of the campus - this will also remain the same. LCISD police officers will still be patrolling each Lubbock-Cooper campus. The only change is that, rather than directly entering the front office, visitors will now be "buzzed in."

Lubbock-Cooper ISD thanks everyone for their understanding and future cooperation regarding this new policy. LCISD says that in addition to following TEA standards, the new policy is intended to maintain a safe, secure learning environment for all students at Lubbock-Cooper High School and Lubbock-Cooper Liberty High School.

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