City Breaks Ground on $12 Million Thoroughfare on 146th Street


LUBBOCK, TX — The City of Lubbock broke ground this morning on a new thoroughfare along 146th Street, amid much fanfare. The project, budgeted at $12 million, is part of the 2022 Bond.

The project will widen the east-west 146th Street from Quaker Avenue to Indiana Avenue. Currently, the road is a two-lane undivided roadway. When completed, this one-mile stretch of 146th Street will be a three-lane undivided roadway with a two-way left turn lane, according to the City of Lubbock. Read more about the project here.

In November 2022, voters within Lubbock’s city limits approved a $200 million bond to address 22 miles of roadway within the city. The bond funds the widening, expansion, and/or repaving of dozens of arterial streets and residential roads throughout the city. Many of the projects are similar in length to the 146th Street project.

Newly-elected District 4 Councilman Brayden Rose and District 5 Councilwoman Dr. Jennifer Wilson, along with City Manager Jarrett Atkinson, led the groundbreaking ceremony. Watch the remarks from the ceremony here.

For more information on the 2022 $200 million Road Construction Bond, visit its official website.

Breaking ground on the $12 Million 146th Street roadway project

Breaking ground on the $12 Million 146th Street roadway project

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