Hermleigh Elementary Student Airlifted After Playground Accident


HERMLEIGH, TX — A Hermleigh first-grade student was airlifted to a hospital following a playground collision with another student, Hermleigh ISD Superintendent Jessie Ellerbe reported.

Hermleigh is located about 90 miles southeast of Lubbock. Hermleigh ISD issued a statement regarding the accident on the school district's Facebook page.

"To keep all informed concerning the EMS response to the school this afternoon, we had an unfortunate accident on the playground when two first-grade students ran into each other while playing," the statement read. 

"EMS was contacted, and both ambulance and helicopter arrived on the scene promptly."

 One child sustained head trauma and was care-flighted, while the other received a laceration to the ear.

For privacy reasons, the district did not release the names of the students. Hermleigh ISD requested thoughts and prayers for the affected students, families, and teachers.

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