Lubbock Celebrates Chilton Day September 7th


LUBBOCK, TX – Chilton Day, celebrated on September 7, 2024, is a cherished occasion for Lubbock residents, highlighting their city’s signature cocktail. Local businesses like Stella’s and Odds & Ends have joined forces to honor Lubbock’s official mixed drink.

The two businesses will offer drinks, giveaways, and shopping all day from 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. at 6013 82nd Street.

The exact origin of the cocktail remains a mystery, but local legend suggests it was created by Dr. Chilton at Lubbock Country Club. On a sweltering day, Dr. Chilton asked the bartender to mix lemon juice, vodka, and soda water, garnished with a salted rim and a lemon wheel.

Earlier in the year, the Lubbock cocktail was added to Southern Living, a popular lifestyle magazine, as a drink in its cocktail section.

A refreshing mixed cocktail, this year-round favorite is the signature drink of the West Texas city and a close relative of the state's cherished Ranch Water, according to Southern Living.

The recipe Southern Living shared is below:

  • 1 1/2 oz. vodka, like Tito’s (about 1 shot)
  • 2 oz. fresh lemon juice
  • Chilled soda water
  • Lemon wheel for garnish
  • Salt rim

The Hub City cocktail comes in many variations, with twists including blueberry, prickly pear, jalapeno, cucumber, and more.

Although the two businesses highlight the cocktail Friday, the drink is so popular among Lubbockites that any bar or restaurant such as Caprock Cafe, The Funky Door, Cafe J, and The West Table can craft the lemony concoction, and its variations, for people to enjoy. 

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