Human Remains Discovered by Lubbock Police Raise Questions


LUBBOCK, TX – The Lubbock Metropolitan Special Crimes Unit is investigating the discovery of human remains in south Lubbock.

The unit began its search and investigation in a rural area of south Lubbock on Sept. 18, with assistance from the Lubbock Police Mounted Patrol Unit, the Forensic Investigations Unit, and Texas Parks and Wildlife. Human remains were discovered during the search.

No arrests have been made, and the investigation is ongoing.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Line at 806-741-1000. Callers may remain anonymous and could be eligible for a reward.

Earlier this month, on Sept. 6, Lubbock police announced they were searching for a missing person, 36-year-old Manuel Cerros. No further updates were provided regarding whether Cerros was found. Then, on Sept. 16, police stated they had received information suggesting that another missing person, 54-year-old Elmo Minjarez Jr., might be in danger.

Police have not confirmed whether the body found is related to either missing person case.

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