Lubbock Man Threatens to Set Wife on Fire


LUBBOCK, TX — Lubbock Police responded to a distress call at the 500 block of 49th Street on September 13, 2024, from Estella Mojica, who reported a terrifying incident involving her husband, Alfonso Deluna-Guajardo.

According to court records, while Mojica was inside her truck, Deluna-Guajardo allegedly poured gasoline on her and threatened to ignite it with a lighter.

In a desperate act of self-defense, Mojica managed to knock the lighter away and locked herself inside her car, prompting Deluna-Guajardo to flee the scene.

Law enforcement quickly located him in a nearby alley, where he was apprehended without further incident.

Alfonso Deluna-Guajardo now faces serious charges, including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for his threats and actions against Mojica, as well as arson for allegedly attempting to ignite the gasoline with a total bond of $80,000.

Additionally, he was found to be wanted on multiple court warrants at the time of his arrest.

Mojica was unharmed in the incident, and authorities are continuing their investigation.

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