Bridge Repairs Shift to Westbound US 84 Frontage Road


LUBBOCK, TX — Crews will shift bridge repair work from the eastbound US 84 frontage road at Interstate 27 to the westbound side on Tuesday, Oct. 15.

According to a press release, barricade setup and removal will occur between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., requiring both east and westbound US 84 frontage road bridges to be closed during that time.

Traffic will be detoured around the area via 50th and 66th Streets. Once the barricades are removed, the eastbound frontage road will reopen, while the westbound road will be reduced to one lane. The inside left lane on the northbound I-27 frontage road and the left lane on Avenue A will also be closed.

The release states that this work is part of a $1.9 million project to replace bridge joints and bearing pads, repair concrete, and upgrade guardrail fencing on various bridge structures. 

Completion is expected by late 2025, with work continuing, weather permitting.

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