Lubbock Gang Member Busted with Stolen Guns, Drugs in Raid


LUBBOCK, TX — Lubbock County's Warrants squad made a major arrest on February 4 after locating a local gang member who was wanted for a probation violation.

The suspect was arrested in the parking lot of an apartment complex near 19th Street and Elkhart, and an adult female was also detained at the scene.

Deputies gained consent to search the apartment and spotted drugs and a firearm in plain sight. This led them to obtain a search warrant, which uncovered two stolen firearms and one short-barreled rifle. 

A significant amount of drugs were also found. 176 grams of pills that tested positive for methamphetamine, 235 grams of psilocybin, 30 grams of THC, 2 grams of cocaine, and 43 grams of Alprazolam.

 A press release from TAG did not specify what gang the suspect was apart of. 

The DEA and ATF are now involved in the case and are working on federal charges.

Three firearms and a significant amount of drugs were found in an apartment in Lubbock on Feb. 4

Three firearms and a significant amount of drugs were found in an apartment in Lubbock on Feb. 4

(Credit: Texas Anti-Gang Center)

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