Texas Man Accused Of Sending Sexual Messages To Teen In Lubbock


LUBBOCK, TX - A man from the Texas Panhandle was arrested by the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office and accused of sending inappropriate messages to an underage girl. 

Jefferson Sober, 45, was taken into custody on July 7 near 114th Street and Highway 87. Reports state that Sober had been drinking at a friend’s house when he requested a social media username from a teenage girl and began sending her explicit messages.

The girl’s mother noticed a change in her daughter’s behavior, prompting the teen to disclose the messages she had received from Sober. Information states that the messages made the teen feel uncomfortable and that Sober was well aware of her age.

Sober was charged with online solicitation of a minor with sexual conduct and was booked into the Lubbock County Detention Center. He has since posted a $20,000 bond and has been released from jail.

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