Wilson ISD Shuts Doors Amid Security Threat


WILSON, TX — Wilson Independent School District announced the closure of schools on Thursday, September 19, 2024, in response to a security threat. District officials are currently investigating the situation and are committed to keeping the community informed as more information becomes available.

In a statement released by the superintendent of WISD, Wesley Jones, he emphasized their top priority: the safety of students and staff. 

“Wilson ISD takes all threats seriously,” he stated, reassuring parents and guardians of the district's commitment to a secure learning environment.

As a precautionary measure, all school buses will return students to their designated drop-off locations. Parents are advised to be on standby for updates regarding the situation and the potential reopening of schools.

Wilson ISD appreciates the patience and understanding of the community during this time. 

Further updates will be posted on the district's official channels as more information emerges.


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