WARNING: NSFW Content: Witness Describes Bestiality


SWEETWATER, TX - (WARNING: Contains graphic content) Do not read this if graphic depictions of deviant acts disturb you. 

The ex-girlfriend of a Nolan County Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper charged with bestiality has told us disturbing details regarding his past. 

We reported earlier that on April 30, 2024, Texas DPS suspended Trooper Christopher Prince, 37, after he was arrested by the Texas Rangers and charged with Bestiality. 

Prince was then booked into the Nolan County Jail. 

According to court documents, Prince and an unidentified cooperating defendant (CD) committed sexual acts with an animal back in 2021.

Information states that the CD engaged in sex with a black lab named “Duke,” owned by Prince. 

The CD fully described the sex act and explained that Prince assisted by grabbing Duke’s penis and inserting it into the CD’s vagina.

The CD explained that Prince continually asked and offered for the CD to have sex with Duke. 

It was further explained that Prince continued to ask the CD to engage in sex with Duke and offered for Duke to have sex with the CD over the next several years. 

The CD explained that after the first time, she had not engaged in sex with Duke, but Prince continued to offer Duke sex in person and via text. 

The document continues to state that a search warrant was issued for Prince’s phone. 

“Note that one of many messages sent from Prince was on 08/12/23 ‘Will you suck Duke while I fuck you,’” the court document read. 

His ex-girlfriend, who will remain unidentified, told San Angelo LIVE! that he “did not like human dildos.”

She said that in a drawer by his bed, Prince stored a “giant blue horse dick.”

She also said that Prince liked to urinate on women.

“He never did it to me because I wouldn’t let him,” she said, mentioning that he branded his ex-fiancee.

She said that Prince told her that he would strap his ex-fiancee in one of his family member’s barns and whip her, leading to sex. 

“I’m done with the court system, and I want to raise the bell about what’s happening with protecting cops because I’ve had enough,” she said. “I’m done.”

She told another story with text messages to prove the incident.

Prince told her that he took his ex-fiance out in the middle of a lake area, strapped her to a tree, “fucked her, urinated on her, and then chained her, and walked her along side of his truck, while he led her into a lake to wash off before she got back in his truck.”

“Apparently, he’s a dominatrix,” his ex-girlfriend said. “He likes to assert dominance. So, with his ex-fiancee, he would always tell me that she could only call him sir or master in public. And she had a collar on at all times.”

It was said that all of this was happening between 2015 and 2016. 

“He’s got a long-standing history of defiling women, and I’m just trying to get this out there,” she said. “Because the court system 100 percent protects their cops.”

She continued to tell San Angelo LIVE! that Prince raped her in early 2019 while they were still together. Prince had shoved her head into the couch, pulled her arms behind her back, and forcibly inserted himself inside of her.

She said she wrote a three-page letter through the Office of the Attorney General, and an investigation began. She said that they had taken all of her and Prince’s text messages. 

“And it really didn’t go anywhere,” she said. “They basically swept it under the rug. But it sounded like the only people investigating were the Texas Rangers, who I think worked with him. They (the investigators) said, ‘We can’t substantiate this, so we’re going to close the case.’ I asked them, ‘Can I please testify? Can this go forward?’ And nothing happened.” 

She said that Prince's district attorney’s office called her and said that they were also not pursuing the case any further. 

Prince’s ex-girlfriend is also angered that their four-year-old son is still able to live under Prince’s supervision.

County Court at Law #2 Honorable Tom W. Brummett told her that her son “doesn’t appear like he is in any kind of harm or danger.” 

The anonymous woman said that she provided Brummett with an affidavit.

According to her, Brummett’s response was, “Well, if he didn’t actually witness it, and you didn’t witness it, and your son is not having an outcry, then he can stay there.”

She mentioned that her son was a rather quiet kid. 

“It looks like Brummett is shielding a police officer because there’s no pictures or videos like this is only allegations, but I’ve been doing this for years now,” she said. “They don’t believe me. And I can't tell you how many racist remarks he told me while we were together about people that he pulled over.

“What I'm trying to do here is I'm trying to make the public aware that there's a lot of things going on with, let's sweep this under the rug, with police officers, and also with judges,” she said. “The other thing, too, is that (Prince) suddenly, during our custody proceeding, found Jesus. But he’s still having sexual relations with his dog, Duke.” 

Prince started with DPS in 2017 and is currently stationed in Sweetwater.

Prince will remain suspended with pay while the internal investigation by DPS’ Office of Inspector General is completed, as is standard procedure, DPS stated. 

Information from the Texas Tribune states that he has a salary of $76,452. 

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