Texas AG Targets TikTok for Child Protection Failures


AUSTIN, TX—Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against TikTok, alleging that the popular social media platform risks the online safety and privacy of Texas children, a violation of the Securing Children Online through Parental Empowerment (SCOPE) Act.

In a release, Paxton highlights the importance of emphasizing the protection of online safety and privacy of minors.

“I will continue to hold TikTok and other Big Tech companies accountable for exploiting Texas children and failing to prioritize minors’ online safety and privacy,” Paxton stated.

“Texas law requires social media companies to take steps to protect kids online and provide parents with the necessary tools to do the same. TikTok and others cannot ignore their duties under Texas law.”

The SCOPE Act is designed to protect children from the risks that come with social media. It prohibits platforms like TikTok from sharing or selling a child’s personal information without permission from a parent or guardian. In addition, it requires companies to provide parents with tools to help manage their child's privacy and account settings. However, Paxton claims that TikTok has fallen short of these important requirements.

“The safety of our children should be a top priority,” Paxton added. “When companies fail to comply with the law, we must take action to protect our youth.”

Paxton is seeking civil penalties of up to $10,000 for each violation in the lawsuit and injunctive relief to prevent TikTok from committing future infractions.

The filing can be read here.

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