DPS Ramps Up Enforcement for Spring Break, St. Patrick's Day


AUSTIN, TX — The Texas Department of Public Safety is increasing patrols to keep the roads safer during Spring Break and St. Patrick’s Day.

From March 8 to March 17, the Texas Highway Patrol will be focusing on traffic violations like speeding, seat belt use, DWI, and other safety issues.

“Spring break brings a lot more travelers to Texas, and it’s important that we keep our roads safe,” said Colonel Freeman F. Martin. “Whether you’re heading to the beach or just driving through, make sure to make good decisions—don’t drink and drive, buckle up, and stay focused while driving. Let’s work together to make sure everyone has a safe and fun spring break.”

This year’s effort is part of Operation CARE (Crash Awareness and Reduction Effort), aiming to reduce accidents during the busy travel season.

Last year, DPS issued over 52,793 citations and warnings, including 16,360 for speeding and 1,277 for seat belt violations.

Below are some important tips from the Texas DPS:

  • Don’t Drink and Drive: If you plan to drink, find a safe way to get home.
  • Eliminate Distractions: Put away your phone and avoid distractions while driving. Texas law bans texting and driving unless the vehicle is stopped.
  • Move Over or Slow Down: When you see emergency vehicles on the side of the road, slow down and move over.
  • Buckle Up: Make sure everyone in your car is wearing their seatbelt—it's the law.
  • Slow Down: Pay extra attention in bad weather, heavy traffic, and construction zones.
  • Drive Defensively: Holiday travel can be tricky, so stay alert for other drivers.
  • Use the Left Lane for Passing: On multi-lane roads, stay in the right lane unless you’re passing someone.
  • Be Careful Around Large Trucks: Don’t cut in front of big trucks, and avoid slamming on the brakes in front of them—they can’t stop as quickly as smaller vehicles.
  • Steer It, Clear It: If you're in a crash and the vehicles are not seriously damaged, move them out of the traffic lanes to avoid blocking the road.
  • Keep the Texas Roadside Assistance Number Handy: If you need help, call 1-800-525-5555.

DPS also reminds people about the iWatchTexas program, a program that helps report suspicious activity and human trafficking. With large crowds gathering for parades and festivals, it is important to be aware of possible trafficking signs:

  • A person who seems controlled by someone else or can’t speak for themselves.
  • Someone who doesn’t seem to know where they are or where they’re going.
  • Visible injuries, malnutrition, or signs of abuse.
  • Clothes that don’t match the weather or seem inappropriate for the person’s age.
  • Workplaces with unusual security or long, odd hours.

Texas DPS advises not to endanger yourself or others by intervening or confronting someone you suspect of engaging in human trafficking if it is not safe to do so.

For more information, visit the Texas DPS website.

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