
  • Veterans Cemetery in Lubbock is Taking Shape

    07/10/2024 - 12:20 , by live
    LUBBOCK, TX — Dr. and Lt. Col. John Kelly (ret.), Director of the Texas State Veterans Cemeteries at the Texas General Land Office, inspected the construction progress at the new West Texas State Veterans Cemetery on Tuesday, July 9. The cemetery, located at 4614 E. 50th St. on the east side of Lubbock, is on schedule and on budget, Kelly reported to the Lubbock City Council.
  • Lubbock Flirts With a Very Stinky Moral Hazard

    07/09/2024 - 23:58 , by live
    LUBBOCK, TX — The City of Lubbock is considering plans to subsidize the repairs of homeowners’ private sewer lines at a cost of $2,500 per line. If the city council enacts the program as proposed, it could cost taxpayers $2.5 million a year, as approximately 1,000 private sewer line repairs are completed each year, city staff estimated.
  • Calf Invades Chick-fil-A

    07/09/2024 - 11:36 , by live
    LUBBOCK, TX — Stetson, the Miniature Scottish Highland Bull Calf, made an unexpected appearance at Chick-fil-A at Frankford and 4th Street in Lubbock for Cow Appreciation Day. Unfortunately, Chick-fil-A manager-in-waiting, Nicolas, was unaware of the event. Despite this, Stetson basked in the attention he received.